Metanoia Christmas Hoodies
Team Metanoia have been very busy for the past six months. You will probably have spotted our new branding courtesy of Jon Birch! With the whole redesign of our Goth Angel logo, he’s also done a jolly Santa hat version. Which got me thinking… Christmas Jumpers! Well…. Hoodies.

And on the back….

We have spared no expense when it comes to modelling the prototype….

We are selling them at cost and they need to be pre ordered. Most people who want one have probably already spoken to me – if you are local speaking to me this is the best way to do it! If you haven’t or won’t get to see me in person, you can order through THIS LINK to PayPal. £25 if you are collecting in person from a service at Holy Nativity Church. £30 if you want it posted. You MUST include your address. I CAN ONLY POST IN THE UK. Sorry. I may be able to sort something out in the future.
Orders MUST be in by 9pm Sunday 24th of November 2024.